analytical Q

Compositions Arrangements Contact MUSIC

Visit CD Baby to hear a sample from the 80-minute CD of piano solo compositions and arrangements performed by Anne Ku. Click below.


Birthday Variations

For my mom's and brother's birthdays, I arranged the popular birthday tune as a variation on a theme.

Beginning with the simplest harmony, it progresses to a simple run (scale), and then chromaticism, arpeggio run, and finally a heavy chord progression.

Mom liked it immediately. Brother was still asleep when I called.

February 2000


My friend Helmut recently sent me two birthday variations - one on Beethoven's Fur Elise, the other on Scott Joplin's Entertainer.   This leads me to suspect there must be more out there.

Birthday Piano/Trumpet Duet

one piano 4 hands

solo part



for Frau M. Schmidt in Muenster on her 60th birthday in May 2001