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Interesting conversations with interesting people

What distinguishes interesting people from boring ones? That they can carry on interesting conversations?

What makes a conversation interesting?

Is it the surprise element? That you're learning something new? Or is it in the flow? The fluidity of a two-way conversation that is going somewhere, possibly somewhere exciting or surprising?

What makes analyticalQ an interesting site? So many visitors have left comments in the guestbook saying that this is an interesting site. But what is so interesting about it?

The kind of people I find interesting are those that give me a breath of fresh air. They inspire me with the stories they tell, the passion they convey, and the things they do which I admire. Not that I want to be just like them, but for me, what interests me captivates me.

Interesting conversations are those that have developing content ---- not repetition or gossip but something that triggers a sense of quality, depth, and multi-dimensionality. But some people are able to talk about a boring subject in an interesting way, or rather, finding something interesting about a boring topic.

I get tired of repeating myself. That's one reason why I download my thoughts and conversations onto this journal. But does that mean I become a less interesting person as a result?

One of my friends chooses his friends based on how interesting they are. But not everyone can be orators. You need good listeners too. And I like being around good listeners.

27 November 2003 Thursday

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Anne Ku

writes about her travels, conversations, thoughts, events, music, and anything else that is interesting enough to fill a web page.
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