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Figure 2 Contractual Complexity

Source: Anna Jasper-Martens, Head of Shipping, EnergyByNet, at ASI Conference, Berlin, Germany
1- The independent electricity supplier signs an Electricity Supply Contract with the customer.
2- The customer has to sign a contract to ensure the access to the grid (Netznutzungsvertrag). This contract details the costs for using the grid.
3- Additionally, a contract is signed detailing the technical conditions applying to the customer´s use of the grid (Netzanschlußvertrag).
4- As the customers usually transfer the power of attorney to the electricity supplier to sign the above mentioned contracts, the electricity supplier and the local distribution companies negotiate framework agreements stipulating the rules to deal with large numbers of customers.
5-The electricity supplier and the TSO draw up a contract detailing the rules, regulations and costs pertaining to the Balancing Group Services.